I’ve laughed and cried with Debs, I’ve confided and shared my life’s hopes and dreams with her, and received support and advice. As a single girl, leaving the Army, I was trying to find my way in civilian life, Debs means more to me than I could ever put into words.
Deborah Jones or Debs to her friends, I feel privileged to class myself as one!
I have been seeing Debs since October 2008 for electrolysis as part of my transition from Male to Female; my surgery was in December 2011.
So where to start! That’s not really the question; I think a more fitting question is what has Debs and Positive Pathways Beauty done for me?
I didn’t just get electrolysis out of Positive Pathways, I got a friend, and actually friends as the rest of the staff are really great girls as well. I got a confidant person to ask questions, about anything! The female type question s that just popped into my head as my surgery loomed.
I’ve laughed and cried with Debs, I’ve confided and shared my life’s hopes and dreams with her, and received support and advice. As a single girl, leaving the Army, I was trying to find my way in civilian life, Debs means more to me than I could ever put into words.
My experience of transliving has been pretty typical I suppose and as such I have used a few Tran’s services, dressing agencies, beauty therapists and of course shopping. Like many I thought that I could survive as a Transvestite, though I never quite felt like I fitted in and this eventually led to me understanding that I was Transsexual! I have many friends who are transvestites, TGirls or whatever label is current and politically correct so this isn’t a snub, as I see it, we should all support each other. I owe a lot to several special people, Nas Dahagemia of Nas Top2Toe, and of course Jodie-Lynn Paterson of the Boudoir. These are some of the people who helped me start to express who I am. These ladies and many others I have met are not cheap, though I admit I only wanted the best!
Debs was my first deviation from using someone who specialises in Trans people, you can imagine my surprise when all of a sudden I found I was being charged the same as anyone else, and of course treated just like anyone else. I was so used to paying a high premium, it was a bit of a shock for me. Now don’t get me wrong I’m not slating anyone for price or service, many provide a much needed service that many of the Trans community find invaluable as they may not feel they can go to main stream shops and services.
Debs owns and run a beauty business, she even teaches various beauty therapies as well. My electrolysis has had an amazing effect on me, especially when I’m working 9 till 5 as a woman. Knowing that I can go out and not have to worry about a 5 O Clock shadow gives a massive feeling of confidence, it also allows me to use normal make-up i.e. foundation. Debs has worked tirelessly on me as I had a lot of facial hair. On top of this Debs has become a friend who gives me tips and tells me whether my choice of clothes and makeup is ok, over the top or just plain silly. I was even invited to the Staff Christmas party as they felt I was there that often I almost was staff. Debs has also invited me on occasion to model for some of her students when teaching Manicure and Pedicure, I really love those days of pampering.
Debs has given me much more than merely a service; she has provided me help and support in my transition. All this coming from someone who has nothing to do with the Trans world, Debs has given me a view of life and has boosted my confidence at a very exposed period in my life.
My advice; this is the lady to see, Debs and her staff are a great team and I will be using them for many years to come I’m sure. Katrina x